Boomi Platform Enhancer Extension

JavascriptHTML/CSSBrowser Extension

Boomi Platform Enhancer is a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge that adds additional features to the Boomi iPaaS Platform.

Boomi AtomSphere (sometimes called Boomi Integration) is a data translation tool; by allowing users to drag and drop shapes on a canvas, it provides a clear view of the way documents and data are modified while being passed through a flow.

Having built over 200+ connections to third-party services, Boomi could be compared to Zapier on steroids (targeted towards an enterprise market).

Previously owned by Dell, Boomi has been around since it’s launch in 2007.
Previously owned by Dell, Boomi has been around since it’s launch in 2007.

The Boomi Platform Enhancer is a plugin that provides additional functionality and features to the Boomi Platform by letting a subset of third-party developers add community favorited features.


I collaborated with Mitch Franklin to create several key features of the plugin (other authors are attributed in the Readme on GitHub). I authored the following features:

  • Live reporting of process execution time
  • Copy Component Link to Clipboard
  • Shape Icon Styling options (Legacy, Minimal, Modern and Inverted)
  • Syncing setting states across tabs
  • Expand Notes in Process Canvas Capture
  • Theme styling adjustments for Dark Mode
  • Add “Collapse All Folders” button to process folder dialogs
  • Add shape path highlighting on hover

And provided fixes to many other features:

  • Fixed shape path highlighting
  • Re-centering component glows
  • Scaling icons correctly
  • Syncing the Header visibility state
  • Markdown support for description